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Category Archives: Life style

Ex girlfriends on facebook, keep or get rid?

That must have happened to you, but now I have a fair amount of ex girlfriends in my facebook contacts.
What should I do with that?Quite frankly, you always have that strange reaction when you see such a well known face in your contact… The good thing is that you don’t have to look falsely [...]


How to crash into parties

Here are some good advice about how to get to know people during parties:
-Wear a watsit! (what’s it?) It is a fancy item you wear, which give people the opportunity to come and talk to you.“Those are great shoes, where did you get them?”“Nice tie. I can’t believe they actually sell these and have people [...]


How to survive in Koh Lanta (Survivor)

Many people think it’s easy. I don’t.Living on a desert Island, forced to eat worms and leaves, anyone can do. But the social tension and hunger bring out the worst of everyone.Over the years, some patterns can be consistently spotted.1) You must be insipid, predictable and say that you do the game just for fun. [...]


How to answer an anti-smoking lobbyist

1) Your studies are outdated. You are studying the effects of cigarettes that have been smoked more thant 20 years ago. You can’t tell me that with all the regulations and technological advances in cigarette manufacturing, the cigarettes have the same effect, don’t you ?2) Okay, smokers are more likely to have lung cancer. Okay, [...]



Creating a network is easy.In most cases, you always start with one. As a child you live with your parents with whom you share unconditionnal love. One day, they want to find a baby sitter around, because they lack that kind of privacy they used to have before you were born. Your parents ask their [...]


Not a millionaire. Yet.

Up to now, my genius plan to become a millionaire is not working yet.My blog is not peaking to 10,000 visitors a day.My adsense is not so revenue generating.I did not get any comments yet.I do not really understand why.I think what this blog needs is porn. I should change the title to “Widest free [...]
