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Writing my book

Hello world.

I’ve started writing again.

It’s exhilerating. But it’s long.

I had written a book, when I was still a highschooler. It was a big sci-fi manuscript. Never got published.

I can tell you I’ve tried.

This time, it’s sci-fi again. I’ve taken much more time to make my text legible. My marketing mind thinks about litterature positioning. I try to go to the point. I put everything in 3 parts, I want to bold letters to make it easier and faster to read. I want to put bullet points.

If I was to listen to myself, the book would only have 7 slides. (with big nice pictures).

Most of it would be with progressive disclosure. (you have to click “learn more” to unroll a descriptive paragraph).

Every page should be self sufficient.

Sentences would be no longer than 10 words.

And there would be a call to action at the end… “Recommend this book to your friends”.

The name of the hero would be “insert your name here”, so as to customize the book.

The more I try to write this sci-fi  book, the more it looks like an infomercial.

Anyway, see you next , “insert your name here”.

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4 Comments to "Writing my book"

  1. syl's Gravatar syl
    December 18, 2011 - 3:58 pm | Permalink

    Il ne faut jamais dire ça car tu t’exposes forcément à entendre : “J’aimerais bien lire ton premier roman”.
    D’ailleurs, j’aimerais bien lire ton premier roman. ;-)

  2. sly's Gravatar sly
    December 19, 2011 - 9:06 am | Permalink

    J’ai lu son premier roman, à plusieurs reprises, et ça se lit bien. Après c’est vrai qu’avec du recul, l’histoire manque d’originalité.
    Comme tu dis Vinh, maintenant tu as le recul nécessaire pour identifier une cible (“insert your name here”) et faire un best seller à la “harry potter” ou a la twilight, voici quelques élements qui pourraient t’aider
    _ un adolescente devient vampire, et rentre dans une école de vampire
    _ elle tombe amoureuse d’un loup garou trop beau
    - elle se retrouve dans un triangle amoureux avec un magicien (ou un troll)
    - et son existence de vampire a un effet sur le monde entier (a fait disparaitre un grand méchant du type lord Voldemort) (et/ou a des pouvoirs spéciaux)

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