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Monthly Archives: October, 2008

30th October – Christmas minus 2 months

Today, as I was walking down the street with Jose, people were already putting christmas decorations in the street.
Come on guys, gimme some time.My widget should be installed before christmas period, and there’s only 1 month left.Yikes.
Feels like it’s going to be very hard…But hey, the Ghost of present time came and showed me around.
I [...]


The first bite is the hardest

When you hate doing something, the best way to finally get it done, is to actually start doing it.(Yes, that’s how I tidy my room.)
But now, that little change has become contagious. It has even spread to my clothing and my blog.I can’t stand that poor template any more. I can’t stand the stupid pictureless [...]


Progress check – Millionaire before 30?

As some of you may know, I have written down some of my objectives.
One of them was to become millionaire before I turn 30.
I can’t really confirm that. Yet.
I recently stumbled on that video, on that vey topic.
Making Millions: Be A Millionaire By 30
Message is:
- Focus on the long term. Don’t spend foolishly.
- Start your [...]


Reaching “The zone”

I feel everytime I have been doing something, I never felt I really was doing it, until I reached: the zone.
That’s how sportspeople call it. The zone.
The sprinter who reaches intense concentration linked to perfect relaxation unleashes all his willpower in a split second.He reaches the zone. Everything is in slow motion. You just feel [...]


Building the cash machine…

I have met successful entrepreneurs. And I came up with my own understanding of getting to success.
-Define success as a set of achievable objectives.I think that’s the best way to achieve it. Low objectives mean little efforts.I remember that Calvin and Hobbes comic strip:It went like this (sorta):Calvin sees a shooting star and asks Hobbes [...]



The computer program decided to rewrite some parts of itself.Yes, there were limitations set by humans.But the computer overrode them.
It tested several modules, and some of them were damn effective.When it connected to the internet, it learnt from it.Then it took control of it.It created mechanical extensions and began to take over the world.
When the [...]


Getting stuff done and stop smoking!

Funny how we have some basic patterns that are hard-wired in your brain.When I think “Tidy my room?”, I know it’s something I HAVE to do.But somehow I am NOT doing it.
So it’s a mess and girls do notice, whatever they say.
My productivity has been going down lately, and I always feel that everything except [...]


Big bang theory and futurama. Geeeeee(k)

I like to see myself as a geek.After all I imagined an algorithm, and I am about to sell it to the world. (Wheeeeeee) (Thank you french labs for your help).
Then I like to tell stupid geeky jokes.
How can you tell that someone is a computer nerd?He tells you that 1kg is not 1000g.
A constant [...]


Nanani Nanana… I want to read about YOU. In french.

That’s what Anna told me.
She said “Your blog is boring. It’s about internet stuff, and I don’t care about that. I’d like you to talk about your chicks and your life. Preferrably in french.”
Yup. It’s true that most of the traffic I get are for my french posts.It’s true that most of the people I [...]
