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The 50 Best Social Psychology Books on Persuasion, Influence and Understanding Your Brain

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Have you ever wanted to be more persuasive, convincing, or if nothing else, understand how others try to influence you? …Of course! Who hasn’t?


Understanding how storytelling works in persuasion, influence, and change, and the research/neuroscience that informs it all is critical if anyone is going to work with stories effectively.


And hooray — Gregory Ciotti has put together his list of favorite books that help us understand persuasion, influence, change, and stories more deeply. We’ll all become more articulate and better at our craft — whether you are a consultant, storyteller, entrepreneur or CEO.


Some of these I’ve read, some I haven’t — so I can’t wait to dig into this list myself.


I hope we all learn lots and gain lots of useable insights for our work. Enjoy!


This review was written by Karen Dietz for her curated content on business storytelling at ;

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