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Monthly Archives: November, 2007

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Stem cells and monkey cloning

Everything is moving so fast nowadays.I just guess one day, we’ll gain 2 years lifespan per year.Some people think Web2.0 is the fastest moving industry. They might be right. Media convergence and virtualization are indeed changing the game big time.But let’s talk about real things here.Let’s talk about life and death. It’s great to have [...]


Online loneliness … Facebook

I was reading an article on “le point”. No I don’t have a link for that. I read it on paper. Yeah, p-a-p-e-r. I couldn’t tag it or save it on my social bookmarking websites to share it with friends. On internet, the meaning of “friends” is kind of fuzzy. It just means that you [...]


Social media

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Marketing music from scratch

I know barely nothing about the music industry.But if there is one thing I believe, is that this is a market with supply and demand.Some people make music, some people like to listen to music.There are no bad products, but not-well-marketed-enough products.
Some friends I know are trying to get their music known.Tough.I asked the generic [...]


Competitive intelligence – Act and React!

Do you often hear those incredible stories involving two of your coworkers? Yeah everyone knows the two of them are dating. In fact, she’s already pregnant and she’s thinking about abortion.
Chances are the two specified persons are not involved in anything at all. Office gossip likes to make our everyday life a bit fancier… office [...]


Speedy Gonzales, the super-engineered mouse

I remember, a few years ago, reading Unlimited Power by Anthony Robbins.What that guy said, amongst many other interesting things, was that eating less was the key to longevity. Basically, eating food (like red meat), delivers free radicals in your organism. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules and they react with your cells, creating [...]


Creating a website

I remember when I wanted to make a website a few years ago.
I looked at everything I had to do for that. It was not easy indeed. People had to learn html, use frontpage, and WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) was far from being what it is now.So I did not do [...]
