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Marketing music from scratch

I know barely nothing about the music industry.
But if there is one thing I believe, is that this is a market with supply and demand.
Some people make music, some people like to listen to music.
There are no bad products, but not-well-marketed-enough products.

Some friends I know are trying to get their music known.
I asked the generic marketing questions… What’s your message? Can you sell me your music CD in 2 minutes? Who are you addressing? What would you call “success” (What are the critria involved and to what extent)?
Eventually, all of that came down to describing a musical universe. It reminds me how people and especially teenagers need to have music surrounding them, like a protective cocoon. This music is like a clothing brand! The music I listen to, defines my tribe, like brands do!

Then I just realized we were talking marketing, and that I could help. I also like artsy things, and I like them even better when they are profitable.
Media planning, branding, market positioning, I was familliar with all that.
So here I am. I will try to apply my understanding of Internet marketing for promoting them, using traditional Marketing, leveraged by that Web2.0 community concept.

Maybe it will not work, but I am sure I will learn a lot in the process.
I will tell you more about that soon.

Next… multimedia content on this blog, and swithching to another blog provider.

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1 Comment to "Marketing music from scratch"

  1. my music blog's Gravatar my music blog
    November 15, 2007 - 3:07 pm | Permalink

    submitting music to music sites that can promote you for free is one good thing to market your music!

    One of these is

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