I know barely nothing about the music industry.
But if there is one thing I believe, is that this is a market with supply and demand.
Some people make music, some people like to listen to music.
There are no bad products, but not-well-marketed-enough products.
Some friends I know are trying to get their music known.
I asked the generic marketing questions… What’s your message? Can you sell me your music CD in 2 minutes? Who are you addressing? What would you call “success” (What are the critria involved and to what extent)?
Eventually, all of that came down to describing a musical universe. It reminds me how people and especially teenagers need to have music surrounding them, like a protective cocoon. This music is like a clothing brand! The music I listen to, defines my tribe, like brands do!
Then I just realized we were talking marketing, and that I could help. I also like artsy things, and I like them even better when they are profitable.
Media planning, branding, market positioning, I was familliar with all that.
So here I am. I will try to apply my understanding of Internet marketing for promoting them, using traditional Marketing, leveraged by that Web2.0 community concept.
Maybe it will not work, but I am sure I will learn a lot in the process.
I will tell you more about that soon.
Next… multimedia content on this blog, and swithching to another blog provider.
submitting music to music sites that can promote you for free is one good thing to market your music!
One of these is http://www.wikimusicguide.com/.