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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Flexibility. Is there anything else, really?

3 a.m. Nobody’s outside. But a german girl and me.Look left, look right before crossing the street.And there I go.German girl shouts “Careful! It’s still green traffic light!” Not a single car anywhere.Look left, look right. Nothing but cultural differences.
We often make fun of germans and their process binding capabalities.Their machine tooling and car industry. [...]


In the crowd. With the bees.

We think we make a difference. We do.My friend Philippe said: “I exist. No other physical object can be at the same time and at the same place as I am.”
Looking at the space I have taken, the one of another Vinh, the one of another guy or girl or animal, I have created a [...]


Streaming video will now make money

I am always amazed by what a few lines of code can produce…And how much money they will make…

Those students at Stanford (well Indian or Pakistanese)can embed videos in videos, as if those were really integrated to the movie.
Now you can smoothly put geolocalized ads in every movie you stream on the internet.Another victory for [...]


The power of Yes, No, Maybe… or something…

“Yes Man”Recently I watched that movie with Jim Carey, also known for being the Mask, Bruce almighty, Liar Liar and all time failure the Cable Guy.
Ok. I’ll make a long story short. Jim Carey says No to everything. His life is shit.Goes to a seminar. Guru tells him to become a “Yes Man”.Jim Carey [...]


Why I worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster

As many of you did, I kinda paused a little when I was facing some facebook questions for setting up my account a year ago (or so).One of those were “Do you have any religious views?“I said “Yes”.
I worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
And quite interestingly, we are now more than 100 people (in France), declaring [...]


Competitive eating subculture

Last year, a friend of mine ate a hamburger with 8 burgers for his birthday.Yes, I said 8.
You know why he made it?He had technique.Bite by bite, he slowly swallowed the beast with method. He was cutting the hamburger like a pile of kebab meat.
Congratulations, JB. I won’t publish the pictures, I promised.
This really got [...]


The beauty of unsupervised learning.

As I previously wrote: life is an algorithm.Everything we do are outputs of a complex device.
The rules put pressure on a system that develop itself and become something surprizing. That’s how we got where we are.

Sometimes, the pure beauty of pure and plain geometrical forms simply astonishes me.
I recognize the madness of men passed to [...]


Saver lines… how to recover from audience lack of response

After some experience doing presentation for Airbus, I have faced some amazing lack of response, when I was really waiting for bursts of laughters.
I am not a clown, and I have feelings.That’s why I share those saver lines.
What to do or say when telling bad jokes:- “I’m pretty sure I brushed my teeth this morning.” [...]


What’s going to be the new discrimination?

Obama is the new US president.Woosh… that’a big step.
I saw on TV old black people crying,because they knew that the world as they knew it had changed. They could tell their grandchildren, that they could, as well, become president.
Striking moment. I could feel that the world had changed.
It has changed. So what?
Discrimination has just changed. [...]


How the dip changed my mindset.

I read this little book a week ago.It’s called the dip.It’s written by internet marketing guru Seth Godin.
The concept is as simple as that:

-Things are easy at the beginning.-Then you reach “the dip”, where you experience difficulties.-People are expected to quit. -Only few reach success, depending on their ability to pass the dip.
That’s all.I guess [...]
