I’ve realized things have changed lately.
I spent a week-end without internet. Life is not really the same.
Social networks such as facebook help you keep in touch with people. They help you spot the current trends. You are part of a community. You can send someone a gift for free, and people love the attention. It’s cheaper than postcards or flowers.
I couldn’t stand TV any more. I couldn’t get the responsiveness, the interaction I had with internet. I could go in a Web drifting frenzy. If I wanted to know about a subject, I just had Google. Then hyperlinks. Or if anything had changed, I could check my RSS.
I knew nothing about “heelies“. In two hours, I knew everything about it and had the tips to perform the deadliest tricks that I could see on Youtube… and I was on the verge of buying them… But then my attention shifted to what Web 3.0 could be.
When you are on internet, you can surf on the flow of information. You can get anything you want if you focus enough.
TV is static, limited channels and it doesn’t adapt to your attention span. And what if I did not catch the beginning of the show?
TV will definitely change. Added value can come from an enriched experience, such as 3D, smell, videogames, but sooner or later, media will merge into one medium.
This media convergence is a powerful learning enabler, and new generations will need to know how to access information and synthetize it in a meaningful way.
I guess my cell phone will make coffee in 2010.
Wanna bet?
Le café d’accord, mais un bon chocolat chaud plein de mousse?
Just when I thought I was being avant-garde….
Have you thought about writing a blog?
Ne parlant pas un mot d’anglais, je ne comprends rien mais je tenais à te saluer après notre rencontre sympa entre blogeur hier.
A bientôt
Me? Writing a blog?
I thought about it, but I never had enough courage…
And i’m so boring…
Yes you are
Interesting, but how can you compare broadcast media with hyperlink media ? Definitively not the same.
Just think the way you can advertise on the both… Ad on tv are not “zappable”, they are obstructive, immersing. And they are perfect by this way. The same methods on the web, and your ad campaign is seen as boring, spam, stupid…
Think now about the fact that broadcasting is using a limited number of frequencies. These ones are in fact by-the-state conceded to a company or a organization. It means by the way that the broadcaster is fixed, regulated, and can easily be subject to a trial or a shutdown (remember when Cauet did a very bad joke about concentration camp on Skyrock).
What about spams, hackers, or misinformation in broadcasting vs netcasting ?
Aaarg, trop longtemps que j’ai pas autant écrit en english, tiens.
You sure make an interesting point dascritch. But broadcast TV is sort of losing ground as compared to netcasting. (refer to Long tail distribution in previous posts). We are comparing two different business models. One of them is unlimited in offer, for each niche of the population. The second one, you have to pay for, is limited and regulated.
And I could even argue that spam-free and good quality information can also be found at a larger extent on the internet, if you are ready to pay for it, as you pay for your public channels. Good information is to be paid for in any case.
You’re right: I compare two uncomparable media. One of them is simply to disappear.