Usually, when you look at your spam, close to 70% of the content is sexually explicit.
-Enlarge your penis
-Discounted viagra
-Go see Amy stripping in front of her webcam
The rest is mostly, how to make money online, or why Amid Gronanga in Nigeria put you on his testament, so that you can inherit $100 000 (just need $200 for filing the demand).
But back to pornography, (I have numbers for 2005 and 2006 in US)
Worlwide numbers.
needless to say, the most queried keywords are “porn”, “sex” and “xxx”.
12% of websites are porn websites
Worlwide pornography is at least a 97 billion dollar market.
So, blabla, the market is big.
What about those who try to find sex in real life?
Well, you have and (or more commonly adultfriendfinder).
And some people make money explaining how they manage to score with those matchmaking websites.
Very sad statistics show that Asian people got half the response rate black and hispanic do, who also get half the response white caucasian do. (Well, at least, I consider it sad).
So what then?
There was a whole money making market exploiting the despair of men trying to find ways to get to the girl!
-Learn how to talk to her!
-Learn how to seduce her!
-Learn how to pleasure her!
I wish half the promises were true, but canasovas would grow everywhere and make the market ultra competitive.
Does it work?
Well I think everything can be learnt.
Is it ethical?
If anyone cares about that question, raise your hand.
Where’s the spontaneity?
Spontaneity is something you can work on.
Is it all there was to say?
No. I’ll try to say more about that in a future post.