It would have been nice if my blog had:
-A webcam on a drone following me 24/7
-A little sequence with the best picks of my day, with music and comments from a voice off. “Vinh chooses strawberry pie, once again. Tough choice. Blueberry seemed nice. Oooooh….Oooooohh… He must have second thoughts now…”
- A virtual avatar reading out-loud every word you are pointing. (I love it when it is annoying)
- A real stream of revenue. (I guess it’ll be for the next century)
- My agenda featuring all the important people I have to meet. (Not for the moment though. Kate Beckinsale said she did not want people to see that she had business with me. Oups, sorry…)
-A flashy introduction that still remains interesting the 1000th time you see it. (whaaaaa)
- Comments from well known bloggers who really envy me and would do anything so that I link back.
- Interesting content. Yeah…. right. Nobody wants to know why I chose strawberry? It’s really interesting though.
- An embedded social network. People would meet and relate socially around topics covered in my blog. They would spend time saying my blog is great. Another part would be dedicated to people who want to say it’s bad. There would be a lot of people criticizing, but they’d have the pleasure to do it on my blog.
- An online shop. People would rush on the gadgets I advertize for. Because I am so good at selling things.
- A dating forum. Vinh Ly is available! Send your resume and a press book. Don’t forget to send professional pictures and a 3D model of yourself. References preferred. Please fill in following form.
- Donations. Donating is cool. I will spend that money better than you do. Why don’t you send it to me? Why? Really?
- Joining the cult. Participate in Vinh’s cult. If we reach enough members, we might apply for tax deductions and be recognized as a real religion like catholicism or scientology.
I have other ideas, and I am working on making them come true.
Please send me a mail ( to be a part of it and share your ideas.
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