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Getting customers: rules that will not help you

That’s business. Marketing is all about selling.
If you don’t sell, you don’t have a business.

So, you will hear: “Think about the customers!”

First rule that will never help you:

Just focus on the first customer.
Once you did that, think about the next one.
Restart the process.

or sometimes:

Think about making $10. Scale that.

Second rule:
Think about your added value. Sell solutions and not a product.

Third rule:
Don’t cold call, use warm calls, use recommendations.

Fourth rule:

Listen to your customers.

After some research on the internet, I found little practical advice about getting the customers. Lots of them were Pi in the sky.
Bla bla bla, customer comes first. Customer is ROI.
Ok once you said that, it looks like you said everything.

It is different in real life.
The customer is a spoilt kid. The customer lives in a world of abundance of service and all the crowd revolves around him for a grasp of attention.
F*** that.

Don’t beg the customer. You are the provider. He’d be lucky to have your service.
That’s why you should be confident.

Say that you’re just here to help. Don’t brag too much as well :)

Once the perceived value of your service has increased, because you have so many customers, then you can have a conversation. Not a pitch.

It’s not how you sell. It’s how you discuss. How you find overlaps in your needs.
Because, if you think you have a good product, you can build a trustful relationship.

If your product is cr*p, bundle it with something that’s really worthwhile.

Cheers, amigos

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