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Do you want to work in France?

If that’s your question, then you’re definitely not asking the right one.
It’s not about jobs…
In fact, does france want you to come work ?

Answer the following questions.

1)Are you French?
if “no”, remove 50 points

2)Are you European?
if “no”, remove 500 points

3)Do you speak french?
if “no”, remove 500 points

4)Do you speak english?
if “yes”, add 3 points

5)Is your name hard to pronounce?
if “yes”, remove 50 points

6)Are you feeling like an entrepreneur?
if “yes”, remove 500 points

7)When you hear “strike”, do you think about bowling?
if “yes”, remove 50 points

8)Do you like good food and wine?
if “yes”, add 3 points

9)Do you have a prestigious diploma?
if “yes”, add 20 points

10)Did you get your diploma abroad?
if “yes”, remove 20 points

11) Was it an engineering school?
if “yes”, add 100 points

12)Was it a “Groupe A” school?
if “yes”, add 200 points

13) You know all those questions do not matter, because you have the right connections.
if “yes”, add 200 points

14)You think the only companies that are worth working for are the SNCF, La Poste, RATP and Gaz de France.
if “yes”, add 200 points
if you don’t know those companies, remove 200 points

15)The only thing that matters for you is life balance. Having enough holidays to enjoy your life, really.
We don’t care what you think.

Add everything. If you have over 600,
Welcome to France!

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3 Comments to "Do you want to work in France?"

  1. n3o's Gravatar n3o
    June 17, 2008 - 11:32 am | Permalink

    Mauvaise langue :)

  2. Vinh's Gravatar Vinh
    June 17, 2008 - 1:20 pm | Permalink

    Bouah,c’est marrant de temps en temps :)

  3. sev French frog from the UK's Gravatar sev French frog from the UK
    March 14, 2010 - 1:09 pm | Permalink

    It is so really true. And as a French business woman, I moved to the UK and it is so pleasant to live here!
    Mon ami m’a envoyé le lien vers votre blog, et on a cette discussion très souvent. Quant à moi, je n’ai pas l’intention de revenir en France et j’envisage même de laisser tomber la nationalité. Les français sont la risée des étrangers qui bossent (allemands, anglais, hollandais, canadiens, pour ce que je fréquente dans le boulot).

    Et qui refusent de voir la réalité en face.


    Signé. La grenouille qui a traversé la Manche.

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